UX Design Researcher, TomTom || Amsterdam, Netherlands (Sept 2014 – present)
- Led UX research throughout the product creation process: from big-sky exploratory research to validation research just before launch.
- Worked on a wide variety of products including: running watches, activity trackers, navigation apps, and sat-navs for scooters.
- Successfully designed and conducted research in multiple countries including: UK, US, France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands.
- Promoted from Junior UX Design Researcher at the end of 2015.
UX / Creative Intern, Disney Interactive Group || Tokyo, Japan (Jun – Aug 2014)
- Created storyboards and wireframes for multiple apps incubated within the Disney Interactive Group.
- Crafted content specifically for the Japanese market (in Japanese).
- Conducted usability review of a new Star Wars mobile game.
Research Assistant, MIT Mobile Experience Lab || Cambridge, MA (Jun – Dec 2013)
- Conducted exploratory and ethnographic research for multiple projects within the Mobile Experience Lab.
- Worked on consultancy projects for high-profile clients including: Marriott Hotels, the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA), and RAI, Italy’s national broadcasting company.
- Presented at the Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI) conference in Munich, Germany.
- Acted as a facilitator at a design workshop at the Skolkovo Institute of Science + Technology in Moscow, Russia.
Research Assistant, MIT Imagination, Computation, and Expression Lab || Cambridge, MA (Sept 2013 – May 2014)
- Worked in teams to collaboratively conceptualize and create games, interactive narratives, and digital media art related to cultural analysis and social change.
- Wrote multiple conference proposals and publications related to lab projects. Won an “exemplary distinction” for our publication at the Foundations of Digital Games conference (top 14% of submissions).
- Contributed ideas to Chimeria, an engine for modeling dynamic and nuanced character identities in games.
- Kuhn, Virginia, Heather Wipfli, Jason Lipshin, Susana Ruiz. “Collaborative Curricula: Linking Digital Studies and Global Health.” Journal of Interactive Technology + Pedagogy, 2015.
- Lipshin, Jason, Rodrigo Davies, Erica Deahl, Julie Fischer, Eduardo Marisca, Lingyuxiu Zhong. “The Creative Industries Prototyping Lab: A Design Education Initiative in Lima, Peru.” User Experience: The Magazine of the User Experience Professionals Association, 2014.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Network Design: A Theory of Scale for Ubiquitous Computing.” S.M. thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.
- Casalegno, Federico and Jason Lipshin. SeedMate: Building the Smart Urban Garden (unpublished manuscript, please contact for further information).
- Harrell, D. Fox, Chong-U Lim, Jason Lipshin, et al. “Playing Mimesis: Engendering Understanding of Social Discrimination with an Interactive Narrative Game.” Electronic Book Review, 2014.
- Harrell, D. Fox, Chong-U Lim, Jason Lipshin, et al. “Authoring Conversational Narratives in Games with the Chimeria Platform.” Proceedings of Foundations of Digital Games 2014. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. April 3-7, 2014. (exemplary distinction, top 14% of submissions).
- Casalegno, Federico, Jason Lipshin, Stella Kim, et al. “SeedMate: An Augmented Reality App and Game for Gardening Education.” Proceedings of Tangible, Embodied, and Embedded Interaction (TEI) 2014 (work-in-progress track). Munich, Germany. February 16-19, 2014.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Casual Labor: How Farmville Converges Consumption, Production, and Play,” Outstanding Academic Papers by Students, Spring 2012.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Casual Labor: How Farmville Converges Consumption, Production, and Play,” Scribe – USC Writing Program Journal, Fall 2011.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Communicable Disease: Towards a Political Ontology of the Computer Virus.” Honors in Multimedia Scholarship, B.A. thesis. University of Southern California, 2011.
- Lipshin, Jason, Fox D. Harrell, Chong-U Lim, et al. “The Chimeria Platform: User Empowerment and the Expression of Social Group Membership Phenomena.” Digital Humanities 2014. Lausanne, Switzerland. July 8-11. 2014.
- Harrell, Fox D., Jason Lipshin, Chong-U Lim, et al. “Stories of Stigma and Acceptance Using the Chimeria Platform.” 2014 Electronic Literature Organization Conference. University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. June 19-21, 2014.
- Lipshin, Jason, Eduardo Marisca, Rodrigo Davies, et al. “The Creative Industries Prototyping Lab.” HASTAC 2014 – Hemispheric Pathways: Critical Makers in International Networks. Lima, Peru. April 24-27, 2014.
- Harrell, D. Fox, Chong-U Lim, Jason Lipshin, et al. “Authoring Conversational Narratives in Games with the Chimeria Platform.” Foundations of Digital Games 2014. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. April 3-7, 2014. (exemplary distinction, top 14% of submissions)
- Casalegno, Federico, Jason Lipshin, Stella Kim, et al. “SeedMate: An Augmented Reality App for Gardening Education.” Tangible, Embodied, and Embedded Interaction (TEI) 2014. Munich, Germany. February 16-19, 2014.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Data Visualization as Process and Product in Historical Scholarship.” Digital Humanities 2013. University of Nebraska – Lincoln. July 16-19, 2013.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Visualizing User Interaction in Books, Films, and Games.” Media in Transition 8: Public Media, Private Media. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. May 3-5, 2013.
- Lipshin, Jason. “Merging Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Data Visualization.” HASTAC 2013 — The Storm of Progress: New Horizons, New Narratives, New Codes. York University. April 25-28, 2013.
- Lipshin, Jason. “DH Methods in the Traditional Dissertation” (panel discussion). DH: The Next Generation. Simmons College. March 15, 2013.
- Lipshin, Jason. Digital Humanities Roundtable. Remembering, Forgetting, Imagining: The Practices of Memory. Fordham University, March 1-2, 2013.
- Lipshin, Jason and Jia Zhang. “Visualizing Centuries: Data Visualization and the Comedie-Francaise Registers Project.” Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Chicago, November 17-19, 2012.
- Lipshin, Jason and Joshua McVeigh-Schultz. “Emerging Methods of Time-Based Metadata Tagging in Media Scholarship: Revisiting the methodology of close analysis through tagging and data visualization.” Society for the Cognitive Study of the Moving Image, Sarah Lawrence College, June 13-16, 2012.
- The Creative Industries Prototyping Lab (UPC – Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru, April 2014).
- 21W.789 – Communicating with Mobile Technology (MIT, Spring 2014). Taught by Frank Bentley, Senior User Experience Researcher at Yahoo. Also has a MOOC component on MIT edX with 20,000+ students.
- Introduction to Interaction Design Workshop (MIT-Skoltech Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 2013)
- CMS.950 – Workshop I (MIT, Fall 2013)
- CMS.633/833 – Digital Humanities: Topics, Techniques, and Technologies (MIT, Spring 2013)
- IML 420/HP 470 – Media for Social Change (USC, Spring 2012)
- MIT Kelly Douglas Research Fund, Spring 2014.
- MIT Graduate Student Council Travel Fund, Summer 2013.
- MIT Comparative Media Studies – Graduate Student Professional Development Fund, Spring 2013 and Spring 2014.
- HASTAC Scholar, Fall 2011.
- Fund for Innovative Undergraduate Teaching (research assistant stipend), Fall 2011.
- Provost Research Fellowship, Summer 2011.
- Undergraduate Research Associates Program (research assistant stipend), Summer 2010.
- Center for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Fellow, Fall 2009-Spring 2011.
- Valedictorian Nomination, Fall 2011.
- Undergraduate Writers’ Conference – Second Place (Analytical Essay Category) for “Casual Labor: How Farmville Converges Consumption, Production, and Play,” Spring 2011.
- USC Webfest – First Place (“Imagine”/experimental art category) for “Traffic Archive,” Spring 2011.
- Phi Beta Kappa, Spring 2010
- USC Exceptional Funding, Summer 2009 and 2010.
- Undergraduate Writers’ Conference – First Place (Analytical Essay Category) for “Hollywood Extras: Avant-Garde and Industry in Pre-Stonewall Gay and Lesbian Cinema,” Spring 2009.
- USC School of Cinematic Arts – Bernard Kantor Scholarship, Spring 2008
- USC Presidential Scholarship (half-tuition), Fall 2007-Spring 2011
- Best Buy National Scholarship (for essay on technology and education), Fall 2007
- “Hackatones y Laboratorios de Prototipado” (an hour long special on the Creative Industries Prototyping Lab). Umbrales, National Television of Peru, June 3, 2014.
- “The Creative Industries Prototyping Lab at HASTAC 2014.” HASTAC – Humanities, Arts, Science, Technology, Advanced Collaboratory. June 5, 2014.
- “Un cuy robotico que hace examenes medicos llama la atencion del MIT” (feature article on the Creative Industries Prototyping Lab). Gestion – el Diario de Economia y Negocios de Peru. May 9, 2014.
- “MIT Students Reinvent the Hotel Lobby” (feature article on the MIT Mobile Experience Lab’s partnership with Marriott Hotels). The Boston Globe. June 22, 2013.